Blistering technological virility has ensured that the line dividing the professional and the amateur dim to a flicker. Photography today is for no expert to claim as his exclusive territory. SLRs are accessible, the internet with advice on everything from picture taking to equipment handling and camera makers are churning out model after model at burst mode. In such a world did a virtual body called photographers@pune take birth. Popularly known as P@P (P at P), Photographers @ Pune is an informal group of devoted photographers. The common denominator amongst P@P members is a passion for photography and some connection with the glorious city of Pune. P@P started with half a dozen members and today boasts nearly 10000 members and growing by the day. Members hail from various walks of life ranging from students to doctors and even IT professionals. Age groups too range from 15-year-olds to corporate head honchos and senior citizens. At P@P we look at all with equal respect. As an electronic group, we use the online platform provided to share and discuss photos and also learn the finer aspects of photography. But that’s just a primary aspect. Apart from online discussions and photo sharing, we as a group conduct various offline meets, photoshoots around Pune and workshops and seminars on a regular basis.