10 Best Moments From Suits

With the new season of Suits coming up, it’s time to go over some of the best moments of the show so far. Airing since 2011, Suits is one of the best legal dramas out there. With cases interesting and detailed enough to make us all feel like amateur lawyers, the show also has some kickass characters whom we’ve all grown to love (or hate) over the years. There everyone’s favourite Harvey Specter – successful, cocky and the best ‘closer’ in all of New York; Jessica Pearson, the fierce and dauntless name partner; Donna Paulson, the totally awesome and brash secretary of Harvey Specter. What makes the drama between these characters even better are their dialogues. Suits is incredibly well-written with intelligent and powerful dialogues which leave a lasting impression. Here are some of the best quotes from the show:

 1.When Harvey set the limit for you


2. When Jessica gave you this piece of advice



3. When Donna made you appreciate yourself more


4. And so did Harvey


5. When Harvey changed your dreams into goals


6. When Jessica was being a badass


7. When Harvey told you this secret about success


8. When Jessica made you believe in yourself


9. When Donna told this truth about women


10. And when Donna told you how to behave


Picture credits – Storypick, Vagabomb and Scoopwhoop.

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